Wednesday 31 August 2011

It's Within You!

Looking for that burning passion for something you like to do but you just can't place it right,yes it happens to everyone of us.Some are lucky they get to find their passion early in life while it takes some time for others to get there and a life time for a few to realize theirs.It can be really tricky how this affects us but it really dose.We often search for that thing that would make us feel complete apart from other choices we make,there is always something missing an empty vacuum that keeps pinching us once in a while,taking us back to that stage where we ask our self ,*Am i happy?, *Have i gotten there yet?, *Am i doing the right thing?, on and on like that but life has taught us a lot of lessons the hard way so we just brush up and keep moving on.
But we need to really search within ourselves for that 'THING' that would make us contented and happy with ourselves.That Love, Family, Romance, Passion, Career, Business, Invention, Travel, and lots more that can't be mentioned that you wish you could do in you life time,why don't you start working towards it today, i know with perseverance you would eventually get there.
Do have a lovely Day........

Monday 29 August 2011


Like i love to call it,an elegant print that has got no age limitation.It is a beauty not to be missed this season,giving you a charming look when worn wt a lovely pair of flats,paired with a pencil skirt or a denim boot cut. Doesn't matter the shade or form it comes,could be in silk,cotton blouses or bold polka dots,it gives a classic finish to your beauty.
Mine comes in red sleeveless boyfriend shirt which i like to pair with my river island slim denim and a flat or heels on a night out.Why dont you get yourself a POLK~A~DOTS.

Friday 26 August 2011

Be Yourself

You know it's a lot better to be an achiever than being a dreamer,spend as much time as you can building on a solid foundation(rock).We all want Fame, Wealth, Success and it requires hard work,courage and self believe.You have to know what you want at all times,building your self-esteem and your sense of worth,working towards a great well appreciated growth.Being yourself at all times is a great key.Just try it.......

Thursday 25 August 2011

Life is Beautiful....

The beauty of life is something we all have to take a minute to experience taking a deep breath appreciating our surrounding realizing life is what we make of it. Life is a journey the route we travel has got lots of twist and turns its unpredictable,it sometimes leads us to unexpected places and unexpected people, but if we are lucky we find people who would love to travel with us. Grabs every opportunity that comes your way because once missed it can't be undone.

Five Lessons To Learn About Life: 
  •  Something has to give in order to get a feedback,you can't do nothing and expect something in return.
  • There are consequences for every action we take and we would inevitably face them.
  • You have to be strong and not crumble under pressure because life would always throw cruel balls at you.
  • You can lie to people,but to lie to yourself is the worst thing you can do to yourself.
  • There is only one life time,live it free of fear and insecurity.